Finding the right tone or style for your marketing initiatives can help your message resonate with clients and prospects. And that can separate you from the competition, says Sara Gilbert, founder of Strategist in Montreal.

What is the right tone for you? Follow these tips to help you hit the right note with your website, newsletter or other marketing endeavours:

> Think like a client
Look at issues from your clients’ perspective when writing your next newsletter or blog post.

It’s not about you, says Gilbert; it’s about your clients and prospective clients. All of your marketing materials should answer questions and solve challenges those people face.

To ensure you are answering the right questions, she says, take the time to figure out and assess your target market.

> Find the right words
Choose words that show clients and prospects that you understand them.

Using terminology related to your target market demonstrates to clients and prospects that you understand their world and can relate to them, Gilbert says. Creating that connection helps strengthen relationships and can turn a lead into a new client.

> Keep it simple
Avoid trying to explain too much in your marketing.

If you are too wordy or technical in a newsletter or blog, Gilbert says, clients and prospects may feel the subject is complex and they won’t read it.

Also, marketing materials should never attempt to answer everything. The communication pieces should open up a conversation with clients, she says, and encourage them to ask questions and speak with you personally.

> Save the jokes for later
Don’t try to make your marketing materials funny. A joke can backfire if taken the wrong way. Instead of making people feel amused, it might leave them feeling offended.

Humour is very difficult to do successfully in marketing, says Gilbert. Don’t include something if it could be interpreted incorrectly.

Instead, save the jokes for meetings when it’s easier for people to see and hear that you are fooling around.