Financial Planners Standards Council has launched free financial planning seminars called “Speaking of Money” for companies, community groups and other organizations who want to help their constituents learn more about financial planning.

FPSC works with groups to customize seminars to meet specific needs and assists organizations in finding the right CFP professionals for their gatherings.

Seminar topics range from the general to the specific, including:

  • What is financial planning? (how it works, who’s it for, how to hire the right planner, what to expect, etc.);
  • Making the most of your pension;
  • Balancing your budget for today and tomorrow;
  • Saving for children’s education;
  • Keeping the cottage in the family;
  • Financial planning for divorce; and
  • many others.

FPSC is a not-for-profit organization established in 1995 to lead the development of the financial planning profession. FPSC develops and enforces the highest standards in financial planning competency and ethics for individuals who hold the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation in Canada.