Federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty and Revenue Minister Carol Skelton announced on Monday that Canadian taxpayers will be getting a bill of rights and a federal ombudsman who will advise the government on service-related matters, deal with taxpayers; requests and recommend improvements.
However, the ombudsman will deal only with service issues, not tax policy, programs, or any court proceedings. As well, the ombudsman will only conduct reviews and make recommendations; he or she will have no “directive powers” or disciplinary authority.
As for the 15-point bill of taxpayer rights, it includes a promise of professional, courteous and fair dealings, as well as the right to an explanation after complaints and “relief from penalties and interest under tax legislation because of extraordinary circumstances.”
Feds to introduce taxpayers’ ombudsman
A new 15-point bill of rights for taxpayers will also be introduced
- By: IE Staff
- May 28, 2007 May 28, 2007
- 09:45