Jovian Capital Corp. announced the appointment of Dave Velanoff as president and CEO. of its mutual fund dealer subsidiary Rice Financial Group Inc., subject to regulatory approval, effective July 4.

Malcolm Anderson, current president and CEO, will remain a director of Rice Financial and assume the role of executive vice chairman.

Velanoff is a seasoned executive with experience in various sectors of the investment industry, having held various senior positions over the last 30 years with a number of major mutual fund dealers, investment dealers and insurance providers. He sits or has sat on a number of committees of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association, Investment Funds Institute of Canada, Investment Dealers Association of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Independent Deposit Brokers, and is also a frequent speaker at industry conferences.

“We are very pleased to be able to welcome someone with the experience and industry insight that Dave Velanoff brings to Rice Financial. We feel that his knowledge and skills are just what Rice Financial needs to achieve the enhanced growth and prominence in the financial services marketplace that we believe it can,” said Mark Arthur, president of Jovian Capital, in a news release.

“We thank Mr. Anderson for his strong leadership over the last six years at Rice Financial. Mal will also ensure a smooth transition of the business over to Dave,” Arthur added.