Making a list of your commitments and goals significantly increases the likelihood you will achieve them.

You may know “in your head” what you have promised yourself or others, says Sandra Bekhor, president of Toronto-based Bekhor Management. But writing everything down and prioritizing it re-affirms your commitments and makes you more aware of what needs to be done, and when.

Follow Bekhor’s tips to help you make your goals a reality:

> List your priorities
Write out a list of projects so that you can easily track what needs to be done.

Create a “priority system,” Bekhor says. Write out every project and goal. Then, for each project, assign a priority level and a deadline and write a general outline of the workload.

By setting everything in writing, Bekhor says, you will be able to anticipate problems before they happen, so you can change plans accordingly.

> Involve your team
Discuss projects with you team to make sure everyone is working toward the same goals.

Every team member should have a personal priority sheet, Bekhor says. Discuss these priorities as a group to ensure everyone is on task.

> Review your priorities
Look over your priority sheet regularly to help you stay on target with your goals and commitments.

Review the sheet whenever there is a change or you make a decision, Bekhor says. At the very least, you should glance at the list once a week.

> Don’t over-commit yourself
Advisors often make the mistake of making more or bigger commitments than they can handle, Bekhor says. That can lead spreading resources too thin and either missing deadlines or doing a poor job.

Instead, she says, make sure you and your team have enough time and resources to fulfill your commitments.

> Use what works
Personalize your priority sheet.

Use a system that works for you, says Bekhor, whether you enter everything in a spreadsheet, a client relationship management system or even your smartphone.