Jovian Capital Corp. today announced the launch of Taliesin Multi-Strategy Fund. The fund is the result of a strategic partnership between Taliesin Capital Inc., owned by Eden Rahim, and a wholly owned subsidiary of Jovian.
The fund aims to deliver absolute returns through investments and trading in equities, derivatives, bonds, currencies and commodities. It will attempt to create value by integrating five distinct research- and model-driven strategies into one overall investment program. Collectively, these strategies provide a diversified approach and a foundation for absolute profits.
The fund offers Class A, Class F and Class I units by way of private placement, with a minimum subscription of $25,000 for accredited investors.
“We are very excited about our partnership with Eden Rahim, who has an enviable track record in the industry since 1994. We believe that the unique structure and approach of the Taliesin Multi-Strategy Fund, combined with Eden’s skills, will provide tremendous value-added for the fund’s clients,” said Mark Arthur, president of Jovian Asset Management Inc., in a release.
Rahim was vp and senior portfolio manager with RBC between 1998 and 2003. According to Jovian, he was credited with reversing the performance of the RBC Canadian Growth Fund into a five-year first quartile fund, achieving the Globefund 5-star rating. Over that period, the $700 million fund had a compounded return of 9.33% through the worst bear market for growth stocks in a generation.