Collins Barrow Toronto LLP has launched a new online tool that will help advisors and their high net-worth business-owner clients understand the clients’ financial position and what’s required of them to meet their financial goals.
What’s Your Number ( is available on the accounting firm’s website and allows business owners, specifically those with holding companies, to plug in information about their corporate holdings, personal assets and future financial plans.
The program’s calculator will then use those details to produce an ideal amount of money that the individual needs to afford his or her chosen lifestyle, which is immediately available on the screen or through a downloadable report.
“By revealing valuable, actionable insights about a client’s financial status, this new tool puts them on the path toward more prudent decision-making and better capital management,” says Michael Allen, partner with Collins Barrow Toronto, in a statement. “By anticipating and confronting gaps or challenges proactively before they arise, clients can capitalize on strategic planning and growth opportunities.”