MD Physician Services Inc. Tuesday renamed three of its funds.

MD Bond and Mortgage Fund becomes MD Short-Term Bond Fund; MD Income & Growth Fund becomes MD Dividend Growth Fund; and MD Dividend Fund becomes MD Dividend Income Fund.

“The new names of these funds more precisely reflect the current primary investment mandate for each fund—as well as align with naming conventions that are standard across the mutual funds industry. The decision to move to new names also demonstrates our commitment to continuously improve how we communicate and present solutions to our clients,” said Brian Peters, president and CEO.

For each fund, the investment strategies, objectives, managers and holdings remain the same.

MD Short-Term Bond Fund is a fixed-income fund that seeks to preserve capital and produce income by investing in bonds with a weighted average portfolio duration between 0.5 and 3.5 years.

MD Dividend Growth Fund is a dividend-yielding equity fund that generates high-yielding eligible dividends while providing long-term capital appreciation.

MD Dividend Income Fund maintains its objective to generate tax-advantaged income and preserve capital by investing primarily in dividend-producing common shares from Canadian corporations.

MD Physician Services, with more than $30 billion in assets under administration, serves physicians and their families.