Toronto-based AGF Management Ltd. has launched the AGF Investor Education Hub on Thursday, an online resource centre focused on helping Canadian investors develop financial skills to make informed financial and investment decisions.

Financial literacy continues to be a challenge in Canada as the AGF 2015 Investor Survey found that only 25% of Canadians consider themselves to be very knowledgeable about investing. In addition, about 17% of men and 23% of women indicated they were “not very knowledgeable” about financial matters in the 2015 Canadian Financial Capability Survey, released by Statistics Canada.

“Given that low financial literacy rates and high debt levels continue to be a reality, we have launched the AGF Investor Education Hub to help provide Canadians with the tools and resources they need to develop a solid grounding in personal finance,” says Blake Goldring, chairman and CEO with AGF. “It will provide worthwhile and informative content to help investors understand investment concepts, savings strategies and current market events.”

The content on AGF Investor Education Hub, which can be found at, is organized by themes, such as investing basics; working and investing; planning for retirement; living in retirement; and insights and ideas. The content is educational, written in an easy to understand manner and in multiple formats, including articles, videos, infographics, ebooks as well as interactive tools and resources.

“The federal government has shown that helping Canadians improve their financial well-being is a priority with the launch of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy — Count me in, Canada,” adds Goldring. “I believe our industry has a responsibility to educate and inform and we’re doing our part by launching a Hub that provides useful resources for Canadians.”