Online brokerage firm BMO InvestorLine today announced it has lowered its commission rates and has made it easier for more clients to trade at a new $9.95 flat rate.

Effective November 1, clients with more than $100,000 in assets under their control at BMO InvestorLine will be able to trade Canadian and U.S. equities for a rate of $9.95 per trade, no matter how often they trade.

“We are making this new rate accessible to more of our clients by making the asset level needed to qualify (for the new rate) much easier to reach than other offers currently out there.” says Connie Stefankiewicz, president and CEO, BMO InvestorLine.

Stefankiewicz explains that clients can now combine assets from any BMO InvestorLine accounts over which they have trading authority so that they can more readily reach the qualifying $100,000 threshold. “As the number of online investors steadily rises and as the population ages, we’re finding we have an increasing number of clients who invest online on behalf of other family members, such as their parents,” she says. “We think this reality should be recognized and the additional business should be rewarded.”