The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) today released results of its first stakeholder and partner survey. FCAS says it earned high marks from the financial institutions it regulates and the consumer organizations it works with to provide information to Canadians in the financial marketplace.

Respondents also identified areas in which they think the Agency could do better.

“FCAC constantly seeks ways to enhance its performance in carrying out its mandate to inform and protect consumers,” said FCAC’s acting commissioner Jim Callon, in a news release. “The results of this survey provide additional input into ways we can improve our work with our stakeholders and partners.”

FCAC says survey respondents found the agency to be a credible and independent information resource.

They singled out FCAC’s Web site and publications as useful and relevant information sources. They welcomed the agency’s use of plain language and its efforts to raise consumer awareness and understanding. They expressed approval of the agency’s collaborative approach to developing consumer education materials, FCAC adds.

The survey also helped identify areas for improvement. Stakeholders commented that they would like the agency to have a higher public profile. They also suggested that further improvements in FCAC’s communication with the financial services industry might lead to a better understanding of compliance issues.

FCAC key stakeholders include members of the financial industry, consumer groups, government agencies and non-governmental organizations.

For a copy of the Stakeholder and Partner Survey, visit FCAC’s Web site:

FCAC ensures compliance with the consumer protection laws, and monitors the codes of conduct and public commitments that apply to banks and federally incorporated trust, loan and insurance companies.