AIM Trimark Investments is making enhancements to its Dialogue Portfolios. Effective January 16, new asset classes and investment managers will be added to all Dialogue Portfolios.

As well, AIM Trimark Dialogue Income Portfolio’s equity exposure will increase to 35% from 25%.

Toronto-based AIM Trimark says the portfolios provide investors and their advisors with a choice of five professionally constructed and expertly managed portfolios of mutual funds.

“What sets Dialogue Portfolios apart from competing managed solutions is their global investment focus, relatively low MERs and special underlying funds that investors typically can’t access elsewhere,” says John Ciampaglia, AIM Trimark’s vp of product development.

“This includes INVESCO Global Real Estate Fund, managed by our Dallas-based team of real estate investment specialists, and Trimark Floating Rate Income Fund, Canada’s first mutual fund focused on floating rate loans, which is an asset class with historically low correlation to traditional fixed-income investments.”

No action is required on the part of existing Dialogue Portfolios investors, as AIM Trimark will automatically change the target underlying fund allocations.