Canada’s Privacy Commissioner marked Data Privacy Day by urging companies to ensure they have the proper systems in place to safeguard information; and reminding individuals to think twice about what they post on the Internet.

“An increasing number of companies are providing technology and tools for their customers to provide increasing amounts of personal information online,” Jennifer Stoddart said Wednesday.

“These companies have to put systems in place to safeguard this information, while giving consumers the tools and options to control how their information is used,” she said.

“Individuals also need to understand how to enjoy these tools without putting their personal information at risk,” Stoddart added.

As Canada’s privacy guardian, Stoddart’s office promotes awareness of privacy risks and makes it easier for people to make informed decisions about the technologies they are using.

Stoddard wants to to ensure that Canadians have the information they need to make more privacy-conscious decisions so they can enjoy all the new tools and services being offered “without putting themselves or their privacy at risk.”

Data Privacy Day is organized by non-profit think tank The Privacy Projects. For more information, visit