There’s ample time to make up investment losses from current market conditions. According to new research by Russell Investments, as much as 60% of retirement portfolio growth can come from investment returns earned after retirement.

“Just because you retire doesn’t mean your portfolio has to as well,” says Irshaad Ahmad, president and Managing Director of Russell Investments Canada. “Investors can also feel more assured knowing that close to 60% of retirement income can be attained during retirement.”

This different way of thinking about retirement is part of the innovative strategy behind the launch of the Russell Retirement Essentials Portfolio (RREP). The portfolio’s 35% allocation to equities and 65% allocation to bonds can generate the consistent monthly distributions needed to cover essential retirement expenses such as housing, groceries, health care and insurance, among other costs of living. The RREP’s strategic allocation to equities allows the portfolio to retain an element of growth that may help replenish capital.

Russels says the RREP is ideal for investors who want long-term, consistent, tax-efficient cash flow of 5%, 6%, or 7% throughout their retirement years.

“We all know the power of compound interest over time. But what really struck us about the research was the high percentage of retirement portfolio returns that could be generated after retirement,” says Ahmad.

The RREP is based on the distinctive Russell 10/30/60 Retirement Rule. The rule concludes that investment earnings during retirement could come from 10% initial savings during the working years, 30% pre-retirement investment growth, and as much as 60% from growth after retirement. This all depends on having the right asset mix of bonds and equities.

Russell Investments Canada Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Frank Russell Co.