(February 18 -10:30 ET) – Spencer Lanthier, former chairman and CEO of KPMG Canada, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the Bank of Canada by Finance Minister Paul Martin.
Lanthier recently retired from KPMG after a highly publicized attempt to merge with the consulting arm of Arthur Andersen failed. “Spencer Lanthier will make a valuable contribution to the Bank of Canada, bringing with him vast experience and knowledge of the world of business and economics,” says Martin.
Lanthier, 59, was born in Montréal and now resides in Mississauga, Ont. He was educated at McGill University and joined KPMG’s predecessor Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. in 1960, making partner in 1972. He served at the helm of KPMG Canada and on the KPMG International Executive Committee and Board from 1993 to 1999.
Lanthier is also currently chair of the Areawide United Way of Greater Toronto, campaign co-chair for the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, a member of the Honourary Council for the Capital Campaign at the London Health Sciences Foundation. He received the Order of Canada in July 1999.
Apart from Lanthier, Martin also reappointed Kit Chan of Alberta and Barbara Stevenson of PEI to the Bank’s board. The appointments take effect March 1.
-IE Staff