Federal finance minister Jim Flaherty Monday announced the appointment of Yousef Hashmi to the Advisory Committee of Participating Provinces and Territories to the Canadian Securities Transition Office, which is leading Canada’s efforts to establish a Canadian securities regulator.

Hashmi is a wealth advisor and director with ScotiaMcLeod in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. He has expertise in derivative contracts and trading strategies, as well as risk and portfolio management. Hashmi graduated from the University of Prince Edward Island in 1985 with a Bachelor of Arts.

“I am very pleased with the work the Advisory Committee is doing and I look forward to releasing a proposed Canadian Securities Act later this spring,” said Minister Flaherty.

The Advisory Committee provides advice to the Transition Office on the transition to a Canadian securities regulator. As part of its work plan, the Transition Office is consulting with provinces and territories, securities experts and legal advisors.

The Advisory Committee includes representatives from Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Yukon, Nunavut and the Northwest Territories.