AIMA Canada is calling for entries for the 2010 AIMA Canada Hillsdale Research Award, as the Sept. 30th deadline for entries rapidly approaches.

Jointly sponsored by AIMA Canada, which represents the alternative investment industry in Canada, and Hillsdale Investment Management Inc., the award recognizes outstanding Canadian research pertaining to any aspect of alternative investments. Topics may include, but are not limited to: investment strategy, regulation, trading, risk management, risk measurement and manager selection.

The award includes guaranteed publication of the summary version of the winning paper in the renowned Canadian Investment Review, in addition to a cash prize of $10,000.

The award, now in its sixth year, is open to academics, students and practitioners who are either residents of Canada or Canadian citizens living abroad. Papers must include both the full version of the research and a summary version not in excess of 2,500 words.

The winner(s) will be announced by the end of November 2010.