Several charges brought by the Autorite des marches financiers were dismissed by a Quebec judge.
The AMF reports that, Quebec Court Judge Gilles Parent acquitted Enrico Bruni of the nine charges filed against him by the AMF. Bruni faced two charges of acting as a dealer or adviser without being registered with the AMF, and seven counts of aiding in a distribution without a prospectus approved by the AMF.
On January 24, 2007, the AMF filed 619 charges against 24 individuals involved at various levels in the matter of Mount Real Corp. and its affiliates. To date, four individuals have been found guilty, for a total of 134 charges and $802,000 in fines, the regulator said.
However, Bruni’s charges were dismissed after the judge concluded that contradictory testimonies raised reasonable doubt in the case.
Court dismisses AMF charges
Judge concluded there was reasonable doubt in Bruni case
- By: James Langton
- May 4, 2008 December 14, 2017
- 13:50