The commissioner of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) says the agency has initiated an internal investigation into the circumstances surrounding a large payment from the CRA to reputed mobster, Nicolo Rizzuto, in 2007.

The investigation centres around a cheque for nearly $400,000 that the CRA sent Rizzuto in 2007, which was uncovered this week by Radio-Canada. CRA commissioner, Andrew Treusch, said today that he’s made initial inquiries into this transaction, “and, to date, have been advised of no criminal wrongdoing.”

However, he’s now referred the case for further investigation. “To ensure due diligence and provide greater certainty, I am today referring the issue of how the cheque was issued to our internal investigators in the Security and Internal Affairs Division for independent and immediate review,” he said, adding that he’s asked it to deliver its report to him by the end of the year.

“As always, if any information revealed by this investigation gives rise to questions of possible criminal behaviour, I have given direction that it be shared immediately with law enforcement officials,” he said.

The CRA will also provide a public summary of the findings of its investigation when it is complete, he said; and, it will report on any action to be taken as a result.