An online marketing strategy is an excellent way to boost your business’ visibility and to find prospective clients. Success will come, but you have to be patient.
“Especially with social [media], it takes a long time, and consistency, to get credibility,” says Russell Vance, digital director with Wickware Communications Inc. in Toronto. But once you have achieve that credibility, he adds, it’s invaluable.
To make the most of your online marketing you need a plan.
Follow these tips to create an effective online marketing strategy:
> Follow the rules
Be aware of any compliance policies related to online marketing before making any plans.
Talk with your compliance department when crafting on online marketing strategy, Vance says. Find out what restrictions your firm has regarding which social media sites you may use and the type of information you can post.
> Know what to say
For the best results online, craft a message that presents your image and brand to prospects.
Before posting or tweeting anything online, make sure you define two things:
- How you are different from and better than other advisors;
- Who your target market is and how you can help them.
> Set targets
Define specific goals for your online marketing strategy.
Your ultimate objective for the year may be to gain more ideal clients, Vance says, but that can take some time. Instead, focus on specific, shot-term goals for each quarter.
For example, you could plan to have 15 people “like” you on Facebook or to receive three recommendations on LinkedIn.
> Keep track
Monitor your progress to keep the online marketing strategy on target.
Create a tracking system that records how you are progressing toward your online marketing goals, Vance says. That way, you can see which initiatives are working and which need a little help.
You can use a contact management system or even a simple Excel spreadsheet to record your progress.